Fred and I had a summer BBQ at my dad's for no other reason than to get together with friends. We had great weather, a fantastic bartender, and were able to catch up after not seeing each other since summer began.

I was super excited about the large beach ball but unfortunately it only lasted for a few hours. The dogs wanted to play with it too.
Fred took charge of the BBQ. I am glad he was cooking. I would have been perfectly happy drinking my dinner (not the best plan).
Fred and I took care of the hamburgers and hot dogs but the rest was potluck. Hilary brought a pesto salad, Megan brought a peach goat cheese salad, Marla brought potato salad, Amy brought snacks, Val brought fruit- all of this made for a delicious dinner! Just when we were totally full Kimmie busted out her chocolate chip marshmallow cookies.
My nieces were making bracelets with pipe cleaners when my sister got the idea to take this opportunity to poke fun at Steve's 'stache. Ruby is so cute she can pull of anything...
It is never too late to go swimming!

We ended the evening with a campfire.
We looked for falling starts but the moon was too full, we only saw one (but a really good one).
I had so much fun I wish we could do it again today!
Wallace Stevens said, "The summer night is like a perfection of thought." And your evening of friends, swimming, food, and fun seems to exemplify that quote perfectly. The only thing that could have made it any better is having me there! Glad it was so fun.