Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grandma's 85th

The day was spent in Irvine at the park with my Braun family. 
All of my cousins (with their kids), some aunts and uncles (along with their parents), and my sister and nieces were there to celebrate my Grandmother's 85th birthday. 
Fortunately, and unfortunately my Grandmother is sharp as a tack and is totally on board with technology.  (She was just saying today she is one of few seniors who only have a cell phone instead of a land line.)  I obviously say it is fortunate that she is doing so well because I have some of her genes; the reason it is unfortunate is because she may read this blog post and will know I am telling people it is her birthday!  The only reason she agreed to this get together was if we didn't mention her birthday too often (or at all). 
We ate and chatted and played. 
It was a great day.

"The years teach much which the days never knew." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

1 comment:

  1. It's funny about peoples' viewpoints on birthdays. I am going to embrace each and everyone because a birthday celebration means I'm alive for yet another year. I hope I'm alive to celebrate my #85 with my family and friends (that's why I have some young friends, to guarantee guests at my party). What an occasion.

    "Better over the hill than under it!"


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