Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Great American Road Trip. Day 13. Scamping in Erie, ND. Again.

Rise and shine!
We were a little apprehensive about what the sleeping arrangements would be like since Eric is 6'4" (and the bed isn't), and the baby is too young for her bunk, but it all worked out swimmingly with the Graco Nimble Nook Pack 'N Play.  It fits perfect in the middle of the trailer, with a little room leftover to get to the door if needed.  
So Eric is in the big bed and then I am on the small bed on the other side of the baby.  I think we are all able to maximize our sleep this way (or at least that would be the case if this little sweet amazing baby whom I love more than anything, didn't eat more at night than during the day).
The Pack 'N Play breaks down easily so we just set it up for sleep and break it down for coffee.

Today is a day of preparing the trailer to be livable.  So we headed back to Fargo for supplies, and then took a we-are-in-civilization-ice-cream break at Silver Lining Creamery.
For less than a $1 on top of a single scoop price you can try four different flavors. Where were places like this when I was younger?  Our choices were Rite Aid and 31 Flavors.

And there definitely were not wooden spoons with feel good messages written on them.
Kids these days have it good.

"You can't buy happiness but you can buy ice cream and that's kind of the same thing."
Ice cream DOES make me happy...

Alright, back to the campsite we go.  
We are on day two, and still the only people staying at Brewer Lake Campground!
$20 with hot showers and solitude.  It doesn't get much better than that!  We are getting spoiled camping outside of California.  There is water and trees and grass and we don't have to share it with anyone but ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it summer where you are? Where are the tourists? I am loving your campsite choices! I'm also loving your ice cream... YUM. Thanks for explaining the sleeping arrangements. We were wondering. Looks perfect.


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