Friday, August 28, 2020

The Scamp is Sold

It is the end of an era, the Scamp is officially SOLD (to a super nice couple that we have a ton in common with).
Jill and Scott actually drove 2.5 hours to San Juan Bautista to see the Scamp while we were heading back from our summer vacation.  They loved it and that is all she wrote.  
This is one of the things we have in common, we love the Scamp and our word is good.

A1 has grown up in the Scamp!  
When we first got it she had just learned to crawl.  

It is bittersweet.  We will miss our Scamp adventures but at least we love the new owners so it makes it much easier.
Scott is 1.25 inches shorter than Eric, it is all the clearance Eric needed to make it functional for us.

Scott used to teach high school science, as did I.  They used to live on a Cleveland Street, as we do.  Scott's middle name is Eric's brother’s name.  Scott's sister's name is my middle name.
And both Scott and Jill went to high school with my mom, in the same graduating class, in two different cities.  Scott went to Foothill High and Jill went to Fallbrook High.
My mom started at Fallbrook and then later moved to Foothill.

Show and tell!
Scott brought his yearbooks, and I had my mom's flag team outfit.  
It's a small world after all.

I guess I look more like my mom than I realize, when A1 saw this picture she pointed to it and said, “mama!”


  1. Sometimes things are meant to be! The new Scamp owners are eerily connected. You couldn't have planned this if you tried. How very, very cool all of it. I can't believe ALL the coincidences. It's rare if we find one thing in common with a stranger we meet, you found a bonanza.

    I know how bittersweet this sale is. All RVers know the "end of an era". I look at them more like chapters of a book. Your story is a real page-turner. Keep writing!

  2. Sounds like serendipity to me!


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