Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The West (Day 38)- Santa Barbara to Oceanside

A1 deserves an award for her willingness to put up with her vacationer parents. 
I know she will appreciate it when she is older, but since she is just learning words now, it isn't easy to understand that we actually have her in mind while designing our trips.

Today is our last day on the road. We are headed to Oceanside with our Scamp, for the last time. 
It is bittersweet.  
(It is nice to be home but now I have to go back to work, AND we won’t have our Scamp for hotel free trips.)

We followed the mission bells all the way to Oceanside.
Mission accomplished.

We drove 4,826 miles on this road trip.

Between this year and last, A1 has visited fifteen states.
Not bad for a one year old!

This little darling has earned a much deserved camera break.


  1. Whoa, that is some kind of mileage. What an amazing adventure and you did a fabulous job documenting it so we could all travel along.

    What gorgeous photos, too.

    You'll love whatever new "home on wheels" you get next.

    Thanks for bringing us along and way to be awesome (even if so done) A1.

    1. Thanks! As much as we enjoyed our trip, it is nice to be home.

  2. Way to go A1 (and of course Brady and Eric as well). When you're a teenager A1, look back and remember what wonderful parents you are blessed with, and how much we all love you.
    Grandpa Phil

    1. Thanks, Phil! I can't wait to know how many states she has visited by the time she is a teenager!


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