Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Great American Road Trip. Day 17. Campfire Lodge Resort.

Svenhard's breakfast bear claws bring me back to my childhood, when they were not $7 an 8 pack.  I swear they used to be less than $3 or my parents would not have bought them.
Anyway, they are delicious.  Still.

It is coffee and planning time!
Eric reminded me that it is 4th of July weekend, so campgrounds may be full.  The idea of driving around aimlessly, hoping for a campsite was not appealing so I used the AllStays app to find a campsite in the Gallatin National Forest (an area Raya recommended).  Campfire Lodge Resort has showers and hookups, which we definitely wanted for a three day stint.
We called and they had a spot available for us.  

From Big Timber it is less than a three hour drive to Campfire Lodge Resort.  One of the attractions to this area is that it means we can visit Yellowstone National Park.  Although we were planning on passing through I wasn't thinking we would go into the park since it is one of the most visited National Parks in the country, but the idea of getting our baby's 4th National Park Passport stamp was too strong.

When we checked in at the office/fly shop I asked if we would be the only people there NOT fly fishing.
One person said 'yes' while someone else simultaneously said 'no'.  I take that as a yes...

Stackable cups are a great travel toy.  She absolutely loves them, and they are compact.


We were happy with our campsite but after setting up and walking around we found a campsite on the river that was available, so we will move over there tomorrow.

The Madison River flows from Hebgen Dam.
Whenever I was up during the night I couldn't help but think about what would happen if there was an earthquake and the dam failed.  It wouldn't be the first time people camping below were awaken by an earthquake, but more on that tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Steve wants you to tell him about the All Stays app. That is exciting. AND what a great find. Love the photos!!!


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