Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The West (Day 31)- Astoria to Waldport, OR

Today is our last day at our VRBO in (outside of) Astoria.
We just had the feeling it was time to leave.

Feeding the horses and hoping that the deer didn't eat all of the berries was a highlight of the rental, for sure.
I want a blueberry bush so bad now.  A1 and I want to do the So Berry Good Dance every day.
We decided on the scenic route and are taking the extra long 101 (aka El Camino Royal) all the way to San Diego.

There is more to look at as you hug the coast most of the way, and we will spend less to hours in the car since each day since we are taking more days to get home.  
We needed a break in Tillamook and instead of the obvious Tillamook Cheese Factory choice (which we love), we went with the lesser known, but very in your face, Tillamook Air Museum.
After seeing that the entire museum was indoors (albeit enormous doors) we opted for a run through  corn and a cemetery.
The oldest cemetery here is from 1913.

I guess his parents, and grandparents, thought Lewis and Clark were the best.
Mmmm, cemetery berries.

These are some fine modes of transportation right here.
I am sad we are selling our Scamp after this trip, but it just isn't the travel trailer for us.  
We need something a little bigger, not carrier plane big, but bigger.  
Just a little taller and a little longer.
Our stop for the evening, one third of the way to Humboldt, is Waldport.
Sorry, Scamp, I hope your next owners are good to you and take you lots of places!  
But I guess you will cross that bridge when you come to it.

But we will cross THIS bridge tomorrow as we continue our 101 tour south.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the So Berry Good Dance made me smile so big! I love, love, love that.

    We, too, saw that enormous blimp hangar housing the museum, but we were on the road home and didn't stop. I'm glad to know that it was mostly indoors. I wouldn't have gone in either. The cemetery was cool though.

    Love the BRIDGE tie-in.
    Clever you!


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