Sunday, April 12, 2020

Easter is Canceled This Year, Kids

Since an outdoor Easter egg hunt is out of the question we did an indoor Easter egg hunt, which was just as much fun.  A1 got a few new books, a hat, plastic eggs filled with air, and an egg puzzle, which we hid in various conspicious locations. 


We can't travel to Canada now, but we can enjoy Quebec maple syrup. 

Later we walked around the neighborhood and found evidence that Easter used to exist.

Virtual conversations don't replace real visits, but it is better than nothing.
The jury is still out for A1.

The success to looking this good while holding a phone, is not holding the phone.

Lucky for us we took our Easter pictures a few weeks ago, before Daley Ranch was boarded up!
It is all about being ahead of the curve, while simultaneously flattening it.  


  1. I see no evidence of Easter being canceled here. I see it being adapted in the most positive way to make the situation unforgettable. I love the 'carrot' tree and the painted rock. Fun stuff. A1 will never know anything but the perfect 2nd Easter.

    And your family photos are amazing. Picture perfect little group.

    Neat to see your sister et al so happy, too. Fun post babe.

    1. I was being facetious! We had a ton of fun. :)
      I loved the carrot too, very creative!


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