Monday, August 3, 2020

The West (Day 30)- Astoria Riverwalk

All of the history in and around Astoria has made it the best place to "stay put" for a few weeks.

When the original custom house was built in 1849 there was only 200 people living along the shoreline.  When a ship appeared on the horizon everyone came out to greet it, not just for business reasons, but ships brought news and mail and the latest songs and fashion.  
Boats were their internet.

The original 1849 custom house was destroyed by a fire just three years after it was built.  
This reconstruction was built in the 90s, based on photographs and documents.  
Looks legit to me!  

We are doing the Astoria Riverwalk bike ride again today, which is also a rail-trail.
Rail-trails are the best!

Mmmm, rail berries.

If I lived in Oregon blackberries would be in everything I made.  Blackberry chili, blackberry ice cream, blackberry toothpaste.  You get the idea.  They are free, delicious and overly abundant.  

We found some ferocious sea lions today.  I don't know where they have been hanging out, but we welcome them back.

Whatever boat is carrying this anchor must be displacing an insane amount of water to stay afloat.
Thank you, Archimedes, for you principles.

And then there is this building... so many questions I don't even know where to begin.
It does definitely sum up how quirky and interesting Astoria is, and the reason why we have been totally entertained here for the past three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. We DID Astoria in 2007 but nothing like this. I now know, based on this post, that I have to go back. Your blog will be our reference material. Good thing I'm not opposed to plagiarism!!! Exceptional coverage of your exceptional adventure.


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