Saturday, February 8, 2014

Little Blair Valley, Anza Borrego State Park

The mission of today is to see Kumiai pictographs.  Pictographs are images and icons painted onto rocks, versus petroglyphs which are engraved into rocks. 
Jessica joined the girls and I to search for evidence of Kumiai, left hundreds or possibly thousands of years ago in Little Blair Valley within Anza Borrego Desert State Park.  
We started the day with a delicious and healthy picnic; hummus, fresh mozzarella, cut veggies, crackers, egg salad, fruit, and salami (Ruby's favorite).

I love the desert.  If a species wants to survive it must acquire beneficial traits to do so.  Every organism is a piece of art, millions or more years in the making.  

We made it.  The condition of the pictographs is incredible.  
It is a little less than a mile to the site, but most of the hike is in the wash which takes much more energy to walk in.  It was a little much for Ruby at times.  

We continued on the trail through Smugglers Canyon another half a mile to a spectacular view of Vallecito Valley.  (A redundant name considering vallecito is valley in Spanish.) 

In wet winters this area has flowing water, which is why the Kumiai were here.  
It is amazing to me that the girls played in an area where Kumiai children once played.  

Every time I go to Anza Borrego I am planning a return trip. The girls are addicted too.  As soon as we got into the car Elle asked when we would be coming back.  I am thinking camping...

1 comment:

  1. When we come south again, for an extended stay, let's make a plan to go to the desert together. You have captured and captivated with your descriptions, both written and photographed. What an adventure! I was happy to see Jessica there, looking great, too. Nice post babe.


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