Thursday, March 19, 2020

Oceanside Pier

I love the Oceanside pier.
I also love getting out of the house in the midst of a pandemic, and not only avoiding the rain, but getting some impromptu sunshine! 🌞

The plaque on the pier says 1925, but I cannot figure out what this date corresponds to.  
According to the Oceanside City of Commerce, the first pier was built in 1888, the second in 1894, the third in 1903, the fourth in 1947, and, finally, the fifth and final pier was built in 1987.  
Fierce storms, fires, and relentless waves are the root of the different pier revisions.

Why do I want to go back in time and hang out with these guys on the pier? 
Wait a minute, do they have a 'no girls allowed!' sign up a the base of the pier? 
 I guess the women are all at home barefoot and pregnant and caring for their other children, waiting patiently for some fish to cook for dinner.  
Of course.

The current 1987 pier is three feet higher than the 1947 pier, but still was only built to last for 50 years.
This means that we can enjoy the current pier for another 17 years, so take your pictures while you can...

1 comment:

  1. Love the history. Love the old photo. Love the smiling faces. Love the making the best of it mentality. Love you.


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