Sunday, July 19, 2020

The West (Day 15)- Cape Disappointment State Park, WA

I am loving the Astoria-Megler Bridge.

We are on our way to Cape Disappointment State Park in Washington.
“We behold with astonishment the waves dashing against the rocks and this immense Ocean!” said Lewis and Clark when they arrived in 1805.

Here is our little explorer. 
Lewis and Clark 2.0.
New and improved (younger, female, and singular).

After paying for a $10 Discovery Pass, we parked at McKenzie trailhead (in a parking lot allotted for six cars) and headed north to North Head Lighthouse.

Cape Disappointment has two lighthouses.  The first southern lighthouse was Cape Disappointment Lighthouse, built in 1848, but mariners coming from the north complained that they couldn't see the light until the were about to pass by the Columbia River.  I guess ships didn't like to aground at the "graveyard of the Pacific".  So in 1898 they built North Head Lighthouse, which we are about to visit today.

The 1.5 mile trail to North Head Lighthouse is so cool.  
Parts of the trail are muddy but manageable considering the weather.  I couldn't imagine hiking here during their rainy season (hence the caution sign at the trail marker). 

A snail treasure map!

I saw this one coming.
First nap of the day, after noon.  She handled it well.  It is a Lewis and Clark 2.0 thing.

When A1 woke up she had a view of the coast, it was misty, cold and windy, and she had the widest grin on her face.  I wish she could always wake up from a nap in a totally different environment.  It blew her baby mind.

The North Head Lighthouse is gorgeous.
(I guess it was a two million dollar restoration project.)
Usually you can go inside for a nominal fee, but not today (dang Covid).

This is still a currently functioning (useful) lighthouse. 

These are the homes of the lighthouse keeper and his assistants.
But that was back when the lighthouse was filled with oil.
Being that the light is now electric, it doesn't take as much work to maintain.  So these homes can be rented year-round  How fun would that be?


What?  Big Foot is following us!
Scary and exciting.

Okay, A1 is an only child.  The child gets what the child wants.

Most of the time it is non-commercial objects.

We stopped into Captain Bob's Chowder in Long Beach before heading home.

I have to say, Rogue is still number one!

But their coconut shrimp and chips was really delicious, so I am glad we partook.

1 comment:

  1. I was looking at the beginning photos thinking, "It looks cold". Here in northern Idaho, I think the temps are too hot. It was still 87 at 9 PM. ARG.

    I love the lighthouse images and history. There is something romantic about them, right? I couldn't live in the cold, damp fog however. I'm a SoCal girl deeply rooted.

    Does all the fish and chips sampling get tiring? We did that all over Alaska too.

    Love the napping A1, too. Fun stuff.


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