Friday, July 10, 2020

The West (Day 6)- Idaho Falls

We walked through Tautphaus Park to the Idaho Falls Zoo today.  
It has been in this location for 85 years.

The squirrel-sized tamarins are my favorite.

Otters are stimulated with light.  Who knew?

A1 has the best view from her backpack.

Snake River canals, which goes through Tautphaus Park, also goes right through the zoo.

After hanging out at the house we headed over to Reed's Dairy.

Reed's Dairy opened its doors in 1962.
It is famous for its ice cream, cheese and chocolate milk.  I bought four small bottles of chocolate milk (with potato flakes) to enjoy later.

Mmmmm, mint and cookie shake!
When I ordered the shake I was asked if I wanted white milk or chocolate milk.  I said white because I wasn't expecting that question and I thought chocolate would have overpowered the mint but I think I made a mistake.  When given the opportunity to have chocolate potato flake milk as your ice cream shake liquid, why would you choose anything else?  Ugh.  One of my biggest life regrets...

Besides delicious sweets at Reeds there are also animals to pet and adore.

Hello, Fabio.

Alright, fine.  I will pet you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh what a perfect place for A1 and it looks like you, too, Brady. I loved the Zoo. I think the squirrel-sized tamarins are my favorite, too. As for Reed's all great things were started in 1962. Potato flakes? Is it because you're in the land of Potatoes and they have to get rid of the plentiful crops? Chocolate milk, YUM. What a fun explore for you all.


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