Friday, July 31, 2020

The West (Day 27)- Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, WA

Willapa National Wildlife Refuge in Washington is comprised of  "11,000 acres of sand dunes, sand beaches, mudflats, grasslands, saltwater and freshwater marshes, and coniferous forest".  It even includes an island (Long Beach Island) with hiking trails, if you have the means to get there.

Today we are focused on just a few miles of trails, Art Trail which leads to Cutthroat Climb (1.75 miles in total).  Art Trail includes art from students at the University of Washington Public Arts Program.  (If you look at the railing it is actually the path of frogs jumping.)

We are now on Cutthroat Climb, which is not quite as intimidating as it sounds.
Upon our return someone heading up the trail asked about it.  She was comforted to know that a baby could do it (but this is one tough child).

The Art Trail is flat, and aimed for children, but Cutthroat Climb has some steep sections with steps, mud, and lots of roots.  
A1 probably walked a mile today. 
 She insisted.

All foot bridges should be unnecessarily exaggerated.

Have to stay hydrated!

These thirty seconds of video well represent what it is like to follow A1 through a forest.
So much to see, so much to talk about.

Love the river-esque pathway at the beginning/end of Art Trail.

We were going back and forth as to whether we should make the 40 minute drive to Willapa National Wildlife Refuge, but we are so glad we did.  This was unique.


  1. Keep publishing. We love the blog, Brady.

  2. Okay, please tell me A1 slept great this night? What a great video and such fun. Aren't Wildlife Refuge's national treasures? What fun for you all and it seems you were mostly alone there. Even better.

    BANANA SLUGS rule. Weird but so cool to see. It was a goal of mine. Cool frog. So very interesting all of it and I agree about the bridges.

    1. We were mostly alone.
      A huge reason why we are traveling outside of CA. Thank goodness there are less populated states in this country.


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