Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gravensteen in Ghent

Gravensteen was built in 1180 and, not surprisingly, has an intriguing history.  It was used as a courthouse, a prison, and at one time a factory. It was set to be demolished at the end of the 19th century because of its poor condition, but thankfully they changed their minds and decided to renovate it instead.

The last executioner in the castle kept his job for almost 50 years.
I do not understand how you could possibly go home to a wife and kids when you have a job like this.
The methods of torture were vast and extreme. 


  1. It apprears the panoramic views of the city alone are worth the price of admission. Knowing the history a the time, it only makes sense that the Gravensteen Belgium fortress enjoys such views of the city, as this allowed the counts of Flanders to monitor what was going on below and around them. You are walking among royality AND you look like you fit in perfectly!


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